Paperless PDF Flexible, Smart has prepared the following questions that you may ask, and we believe they will be useful to you. If you still have any questions or concerns after reading the following questions, please contact us via [email protected] Contact us.


Q1: Do you keep a copy of the PDF document I have processed?

Absolutely not. Your files only belong to you. Although your files are located within our product, we will take measures to strictly protect them and no one will be able to access them.


Q2: Do I need to register an account to use Paperless PDF?

Our product does not require an account registration. You only need to download and install it before you can use it.


Q3: Does it support scanning paper files and converting them into editable PDF documents?

Yes, Paperless PDF has photo scanning function. You can use the photography function in the software to scan paper files and convert them into PDF documents for further storage and processing.


Q4: Can pages be inserted or deleted in PDF documents?

Yes, Paperless PDF Flexible, Smart allows you to insert and delete pages in PDF documents to meet your needs.