Privacy Policy


Paperless PDF Flexible, Smart ("Paperless PDF" or "We") will always respect the privacy of our users ("You"), and we solemnly promise to protect your personal privacy and establish this privacy policy ("Privacy Policy"). During your use of our product, we will use special encryption methods to protect the PDF documents you create.

If you have any questions or concerns while reading this privacy policy, you can contact us via email [email protected] Get in touch with us.


What data to collect


We may collect the device ID, model, and type you are using

We guarantee that we will not obtain any personal privacy data from you


How to process your information


After we collect your information, we will conduct data analysis to potentially display personalized advertisements to users and provide them with an experience.


Whether to share with third parties


We will never share any of your data with third parties, please rest assured.


Age limit


Paperless PDF is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are a minor, please exit our application immediately or use the software with your guardian. We will not intentionally collect or store personal information of minors. If we find that minors have provided us with personal information, please contact us promptly. If you request to delete your personal information, we will assist you in deleting it.


Privacy Policy Changes


We always reserve the right to modify this privacy policy as necessary. For significant privacy policy changes, we may also send notifications to users through software notifications, emails, and other means. If you continue to use the software, you agree and accept the revised privacy policy. If you do not agree with the updated policy, please stop using the software. We suggest that you regularly review the privacy policy to understand how we protect your personal information and keep up with possible changes and updates.


Contact us


If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us via [email protected] contact us.